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Letters to the Editor

We All Contribute

Though you wrote in the Feb. 27 Fly ("Super Freaky") that I did not return your reporter's call, for the record, I spent more than a half-hour interviewing on the phone with your reporter about my role as a member of the Democratic National Committee—returning the call within a short time after her message was left. We spoke extensively about how important it is for all Californians to get involved in the political process.

With regard to the District Attorney's issue you mentioned:

(1) I never have faced allegations about publishing anything "fraudulent." Not once in that case were the facts of my news articles called into question. In fact the accuracy of the coverage was reviewed extensively as part of the case. No errors of fact were alleged.

(2) As you know, I won the case on summary judgment in 2006 when the judge found no trial was merited.

Whether one is a Democrat, a Republican, a member of another political party or a decline-to-state, I hope we all are actively involved in advocating for our political beliefs this year. Through participation in the electoral system, we all contribute to enhancing the public good.

Chris Stampolis

Member, Democratic

National Committee

Santa Clara

Our notation should have read that Mr. Stampolis did not return our reporter's call by presstime. To be fair, he did respond in less than 24 hours. Them's deadlines.—Editor

Soccer and Other Games

Re Little Saigon Affair and S.J. soccer with Gary Singh. When will the voters finally realize that it's still "old wine in new bottle," Chicago backroom politics in this Capital of the Silicon Valley?

Cindy Chavez neglected the Vietnamese-American vote and lost. Chuck Reed courted them and won big. And now he turned around to show his opportunist back. El Hizzoner, anyone?

After putting themselves on the map in the '70s and '8Os period—working overtime with chips, electronics and the housing boom in this valley, grinding three shifts any given day or night for the likes of Fairchild, Four Phase, Intel, AMD, IBM, HP and such, the Vietnamese emigré population then, a couple of years ago, put Madison Nguyen on the map and into City Hall. For what?

An official investigation with detailed documents, and certainly the Freedom of Information Act, would help reveal the Hanoi–Ho Chi Minh City–Tang Lap–Madison Nguyen Connection. From the very start, there was even no question that "Little Saigon" had to be exterminated by the "powers" across the Pacific, since "New Saigon," like the term already used for a large shopping center in HCM City, which could be a suggested compromise, was turned down quickly enough by the "opposition" and the silent Viet-Am majority. That's why even Madison has publicly said (documented on You Tube even!) that "Little Saigon" sounds too ... anti-communist! Well, she lost her roots, and then her soul ... "Faustus, verdammte Faustus" Goethe would have shouted! The French love to say "Cherchez la femme." In this country that generously adopted me, I learned "Look for the money trail."

On another note, S.J. is blessed again with a new soccer team, led by champion maker Frank Yallop and managed by "Long John" of the former Quakes—and also Clash! Viva el futbol! Keep sending us interesting stuff, Gary!

And I look forward to spending a great new season (or is that a ... rebirth?) with you and the Quakes! My, my, my. It's certainly high time that we get back the spirits of Georgie Best, Chris Dangerfield and Leo Cuellar in this tormented valley.

Chi Pham

San Jose

Metro's Cinequest Coverage Online

I appreciate the nice review in the sidebar "What's Up, Docs?" (Cover Story, Feb. 27). Metro did a great job balancing coverage of local filmmakers like myself and national directors/producers. One thing though: I can't seem to find the article in the online Metro. I'd like to link to it from my film's website. Can you post it? Or help me to find where it is posted? Thanks a bunch.

David Washburn


Broadcast Cowboy

David, our complete Cinequest coverage and the article you mentioned in particular can be accessed from the front page of, or by going directly to and clicking on Documentaries. —Editor

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